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ESP-HRMS is a complete user friendly web based Human Resource Management System fulfilling the needs of all type of organizations. ESP-HRMS provides a single, centralized vision of the data that a management group requires for completing the human resource (HR) processes.

Key Features

  • Secure system with login protected screens
  • Web based interface, no installation in each system
  • User friendly interface
  • Ability to export reports in excel & pdf format

Who will use the system

  • All types of organizations that are managing employees data.

Software Covers

  • Secure login for all users
  • Manage Employees
    • Manage Employee’s Basic info & Statistical Data
    • Manage Employee’s Banks & Insurance Information
    • Manage Employee’s Salary breakup
    • Manage Employee’s attendance & Rest Days
    • Manage Employee’s overtime Permissions
    • Manage Employee’s Trainings
    • Manage Vehicle Benefits of Employee
    • Manage Employee’s Educational & Employment History
    • Manage Employee’s Reference & family Info
  • Manage Attendance & Over Time of employees
  • Manage Leaves & Advance against salary
  • Generate Payroll
    • Auto Calculation of payroll
    • Save Payroll of a month temporarily and then finalize
    • View salary statement with multiple parameters
    • View & print salary slips of employees
  • Software Setting
    • Departments
    • Titles
    • Grades
    • Units
    • Divisions
    • Cost Centers
    • Job Natures
    • Training Courses
    • Leave Settings
  • Manage Employee’s Final Settlement
  • User Role Management
  • Reports

Technology Used
