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eWAS (E Work Flow Automation System)

eWAS is comprehensive workflow management system for an organization to improve the accuracy of their day to day activities in an efficient way. It helps the organization to save their time & money and increase their productivity. It can manage the business processes in an extensive way.

Key features

  • Secure system with login protected screens
  • Web based interface, no installation in each system
  • User friendly interface
  • Ability to export reports in excel & pdf format

Who will use the system

  • Surveyors
  • Contractors
  • Service Providers

Software covers

  • Dashboards
  • User Management
  • Customer Management
    • Branches
    • Contact Person
    • Customer Meeting
  • Activity Management with multiple phases
  • Customer Portal
    • Secure login for customer
    • Shows customer’s activities
    • Dashboards with graphical look
  • Customized Reports
  • Customer Invoice management
  • Financial Accounting
    • GL Classes, GL Groups & GL Accounts
    • Accounts Payables & Account Receivable
    • Bank Payment Transactions
    • Bank Receipt Transactions
    • Cash Payment Transaction
    • Cash Receipt Transaction
    • JV
    • Trail Balance
    • general journal
  • HR & Pay roll
    • Employee & Team management
    • Leave management
    • Daily Attendance
    • Performance appraisal
    • One Click Pay roll Generation
    • Pay slips

Technology Used

  • SQL Server